By Sharon Giltrow
We have all heard about ‘Dad Jokes’ but did you know there are ‘Mum Jokes’ too. Dads are often given credit for being the funny one in the family, but mum can be just as funny if not funnier. What makes ‘Mum Jokes’ especially funny is that they are often about… well about being a mum.
Here are a few ‘Mum Jokes’ that I love.
What do you call a small mum?
(Being 5 foot 2 I find this one particularly funny)
Daughter: “Mum, what’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world?”
Mum: “I don’t know dear, ask your grandmother.”
What makes more noise than a child jumping on mummy’s bed?
Two children jumping on mummy’s bed!
And one that relates particular well to my book GET READY, MAMA! and Mother’s Day…
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Omelet who?
Omelet Mummy sleep in today.

Written by: Me – Sharon Giltrow
Illustrated by: Arielle Li
Published by: EK Books, April 2022
Getting Mama ready for the day can be a challenge… you’d better watch out that she doesn’t sneak back into bed, try to distract you with cuddles, or… wait, is Mama watching TV?! Even the most reluctant risers will find the fun in the morning routine with this playful role-reversal story about a mama who just doesn’t want to get ready!
Here are some more hilarious books about mums, for mums, written by mums.

Written by: Katrina Germein
Illustrated by: Tom Jellett
Published by: Walker Books Australia , April 2016
When Mum's busy she says she's run off her feet. When I dawdle, Mum tells me to shake a leg. When I say, "I'm coming," Mum says, "So is Christmas." My mum says the silliest things.

Written and illustrated by: Chris Kennett
Published by: Scholastic Australia
We love our mums! We all agree. But what are mums? Let’s read and see.

Written by: Dani Vee
Illustrated by: Alexandra Colombo
Published by: Larrikin House , 1st August 2022
My mum's a little quirky, free-spirited and bold. She dances to the beat of her own drum.
A fun-filled adventure and celebration of an extraordinary mum and her daughter who find magic in unexpected places.
We are all extraordinary, sometimes we just need reminding.
And my favourite ‘Mum Joke’
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Howard who?
Howard you like breakfast in bed mummy?
Happy Mother's Day
